Thursday, 3 November 2011

Bishops Blackhall Completion

In time for the new academic year, the £2.5 million Bishops Blackhall school refurbishment was completed

This project successfully returned an abandoned Victorian School in the centre of Exeter back into beneficial use by forming 23 residential student flats of varying size, providing a total of 113 new bedrooms within the existing building envelopes. A small modern element nestles between existing walls at high level, providing a clue to the modern renovation undertaken inside the main buildings. The existing double-height floors and generous Victorian proportions have allowed for the insertion of new mezzanine floors, significantly increasing the available floor space. The provision of new double-glazed fenestration to the primary facades allows for the retention of the historic proportions while creating well-lit, well-ventilated and modern living spaces. The utilisation of loft areas has created unusual yet desirable bedrooms with dramatic views over the local area.

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